Text to Give

Text the word "Give" to (844) 925 - 3711 to get started.

You will be sent a link to make your donation.

Thank you for your generosity in keeping St. Hilary vibrant!

Give Online

Giving online is simple and secure. Give a one-time gift or schedule ongoing donations using your checking account, debit or credit card.

We've moved to a new, more user-friendly online giving platform! With state-of-the-art security and upgraded features, signing up will only take a few minutes. Get started today! Contact us at (415) 435-1122 with any questions. 

Give Online
Request Weekly Envelopes
Giving envelopes mailed to you
Now you can have envelopes mailed right to you for your weekly giving. 
Contact us at welcome@sthilary.org
Non-Cash Gifts

Whether it's an in-kind gift or donations of stock, bonds, or other investments, we welcome non-cash gifts to St. Hilary Church. We're also happy to help you think through your estate planning alternatives. For more information, contact us at welcome@sthilary.org!